February 15, 2011

The world is my studio

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The next slide from my About Me page on my website:



Sometimes I take for granted that I have touched oceans all over the world, lived in tropical locations, eaten spicy curry that would burn an American’s mouth, and smelled exotic flowers crazy beyond imagining. Sometimes I forget that this effects the way I see the world. My curiosity for life, for education, for color, and taste was born out of these things. My love for language, literature and English came out of speaking 3 languages as a child. 

I am who I am because of touching the world.

But more than that: SEEING the world. 

My visual self grew up with stark sandy textures of Africa, Crisp and mossy Europe, and most memorably vibrant Indonesia. Yes, my love for color was probably triggered by wild butterflies, swirling batik cloth, and aqua water. Maybe it is also why I don’t like studio shots. To me photography is taking photos of people in the world, in environments,  and cities.

The world is my studio. And I can’t wait to photograph more of it!

Where do you live? And where is your dream vacation location?


Kandel Photography | Fargo Wedding Photographer

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